The 4th International SPARTAN meeting was held at WashU on May 18, with an additional session on organics on May 19. The meeting attracted 47 registrants from 15 countries.
We are grateful for the financial support for the meeting from the Clean Air Fund and from the Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering at WashU.

4th International SPARTAN Meeting
St. Louis, MO, May 18, 2023
Final Agenda for Fourth International SPARTAN Meeting
May 18, 2023, Washington University
Brauer Hall, Room 3015
May 17
Informal pre-meeting option
Knight Center pub open until 10pm (food available until 8pm)
May 18
8:30 Coffee, tea, pastries
Overview (Chair: Jay Turner, WashU)
9:00 Overview & welcome (Randall Martin, WashU)
9:15 Connections of SPARTAN with global health (Michael Brauer, UBC)
9:30 Clean Air Fund and connections with SPARTAN (Tom Grylls, Clean Air Fund, remote)
9:40 Network status and methodological advancements (Christopher Oxford, WashU)
9:55 Advances in elemental characterization with the XRF (Xuan Liu, WashU)
10:10 Organic information from FT-IR (Ann Dillner, UC Davis)
10:25 Offline Aerosol Mass Spectrometry (AMS) technique for chemical characterization of filter samples (Yuxuan Ren and Jhao-Hong Chen, WashU)
10:40 Updated scripts for data processing (Haihui Zhu, WashU)
10:45 Break (Coffee, tea, snacks)
Broader context (Chair: Ann Dillner, UC Davis)
11:00 Black and brown carbon from UV-Vis & Sample Dashboard (Joshin Kumar, WashU)
11:10 Exploring oxidative potential measurements for SPARTAN (Vishal Verma, UIUC)
11:20 Perspectives from lab, network, and field measurements (Jay Turner, WashU)
11:30 Perspectives on SPARTAN from Dhaka, Bangladesh (Abdus Salam, U Dhaka)
11:40 Insights from analysis of IMPROVE data (Jenny Hand, CSU)
11:50 Leave for group photo
12:00 Group photo
12:15 Lunch (Whittemore House)
(12-2 Brauer 3015 being used by Dean)
Low cost monitors and future directions (Chair: Michael Brauer, UBC)
2:00 MAIA, its connection with SPARTAN, and SPARTAN data dashboard (Sina Hasheminassab, JPL)
2:10 Integration with low-cost monitoring and CAMS-Net (Dan Westervelt, Columbia U)
2:20 Interrogating new science with low cost monitoring approaches: needs, pitfalls, and opportunities (Richard Peltier, U Mass Amherst)
2:30 Perspectives on SPARTAN from Rehovot, Israel: Insights about the Nephelometer (Eli Windwer, Weizmann Institute)
2:40 Nephelometer characterization, denuder, and other AirPhoton updates (John Hall, AirPhoton)
2:50 Future AERONET plans & potential connections with SPARTAN (Pawan Gupta, NASA, remote)
3:00 Break (Coffee, tea, snacks)
3:20 ASCENT and potential connections with SPARTAN (Sally Ng, Georgia Tech, remote)
3:30 PM2.5 Characterization in Pretoria, South Africa (Muhammad Naveed Anwar, UC Davis)
3:40 Initial findings from comparison of SPARTAN data with GEOS-Chem (Yu Yan, WashU)
3:45 Discussion of future analysis opportunities, dissemination, and outreach (all)
4:30 Lab tour of analytic facilities (weighing, XRF, IC, IBR) led by Chris Oxford and Xuan Liu
4:50 AMS led by Brent Williams, Jhao-Hong Chen, and Yuxuan Ren
5:20 Leave for dinner (O’Donnell Lounge, Knight Center)
Informal post-meeting activities (all are welcome)
Friday, May 19
9:00 – 11:00, Discussion of organic aerosol characterization (Brauer 3015)
11:00 – 12:00, Seminar by Michael Brauer (Rodin Auditorium)